17 Business Credit Score Hacks

By: Mark R. Moore
May 25, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Enhancing Your Business Credit Score.

The Importance of High Business Credit Scores.

Picture it; You're an ambitious entrepreneur with a thriving small business. You've got big plans to expand, but there's one major obstacle: securing the necessary funding

This is where a high business credit score can make all the difference. For instance, consider how Walmart leverages its robust business credit to access favorable financing terms, ensuring its continued growth and dominance in the market.

Building a high business credit score is essential for securing financing and growth. A strong score enhances your borrowing power, separates your business and personal credit, and improves your financing options

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into 17 actionable strategies to elevate your business credit score and unlock a wealth of financial opportunities. 

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“17 Business Credit Score Hacks”

Key Takeaways

  1. A high business credit score opens doors to better financing options.

  2. Obtaining and maintaining a D-U-N-S number is crucial.

  3. Reporting your financials accurately can significantly impact your credit profile.

  4. Diversifying the agencies your accounts report to strengthens your credit.

  5. Monitoring and disputing errors on your credit report helps maintain accuracy.

1. Get Your D-U-N-S Number

Understanding the D-U-N-S Number

A D-U-N-S number, provided by Dun & Bradstreet, is the first step in establishing your business credit. This unique identifier helps register your business in D&B's system, generating a PAYDEX score that lenders use to assess your creditworthiness.

  • Registers your business in D&B's system: This is essential for visibility in the business credit ecosystem.

  • Generates a PAYDEX score: A key metric that lenders look at to determine your business's creditworthiness.

  • Needed for further credit-building steps: Without a D-U-N-S number, many credit-building strategies won't be available.

Benefits of a D-U-N-S Number

Having a D-U-N-S number not only establishes your business in a recognized credit database but also opens up opportunities for government contracts and larger corporate deals that require a verified business identity.

  • Accelerates credit profile creation: Essential for new businesses seeking quick establishment.

  • Enhances credibility: Viewed positively by potential partners and lenders.

  • Facilitates global trade: Necessary for many international trade opportunities.

2. Provide Financials to D&B

Impact of Submitting Financials

Submitting your business financials to Dun & Bradstreet helps build a robust credit profile by contributing to D&B's Composite Credit Appraisal, which influences your credit rating positively.

  • Contributes to D&B’s Composite Credit Appraisal: Directly impacts the credit score.

  • Influences credit rating positively: Better financials lead to better ratings.

  • Ensures accurate data for lenders: Lenders rely on these reports for making credit decisions.

Steps to Submit Financials

Ensuring your financial statements are up-to-date and accurately reflect your business’s health can significantly enhance your credit profile.

  • Maintain accurate financial records: Regularly update your financial statements.

  • Submit annually to D&B: Ensure your records are submitted on time.

  • Use accounting software: Streamlines the process and ensures accuracy.

3. Obtain a BIN from Experian

Importance of a BIN

A Business Identification Number (BIN) from Experian is crucial for enhancing your business credit profile, registering your business with Experian, and helping track and build your credit history.

  • Registers your business with Experian: Necessary for a comprehensive credit profile.

  • Helps track and build credit history: Facilitates accurate and consistent reporting.

  • Important for diverse credit reporting: Multiple agencies provide a more robust credit picture.

How to Get a BIN

Applying for a BIN is a straightforward process that can significantly benefit your credit profile.

  • Apply online via Experian: Simple and quick application process.

  • Ensure accurate business information: Accurate details prevent future issues.

  • Monitor your Experian report: Regular monitoring ensures the information remains accurate.

4. Ensure Accounts Report to D&B

Importance of Reporting Accounts

Having at least three trade accounts reporting to Dun & Bradstreet is essential for establishing a PAYDEX score, which is a critical indicator of your business’s creditworthiness.

  • Accelerates credit score generation: More reported accounts lead to a quicker score.

  • Enhances creditworthiness: Positive reports from multiple accounts boost credibility.

  • Key for maintaining a high PAYDEX score: Consistent positive reporting is crucial.

Setting Up Trade Accounts

To ensure your accounts report to D&B, select vendors and suppliers that are known to report payment histories to Dun & Bradstreet.

  • Choose the right vendors: Work with suppliers that report to D&B.

  • Maintain good payment habits: Ensure timely payments to maintain a positive report.

  • Regularly review reports: Check that accounts are being reported accurately.

5. Utilize Multiple Reporting Agencies

Benefits of Multiple Reporting Agencies

Using accounts that report to various business credit reporting agencies, such as Experian and Equifax, in addition to D&B, helps diversify and strengthen your credit profile.

  • Strengthens overall credit score: Multiple positive reports create a robust profile.

  • Broadens financial visibility: Lenders can see a complete picture of your creditworthiness.

  • Enhances lender trust: Demonstrates reliability and financial responsibility.

Strategy for Multiple Agencies

Building relationships with vendors that report to different agencies can ensure a well-rounded and strong credit profile.

  • Identify reporting agencies: Know which agencies your vendors report to.

  • Encourage reporting: Ask vendors to report your payment history.

  • Maintain diverse accounts: Spread your credit usage across multiple agencies.

Table: Comparison of Major Business Credit Reporting Agencies

Reporting Agency

Key Metric


Dun & Bradstreet


Widely recognized, essential for D-U-N-S


Intelliscore Plus

Comprehensive business credit overview


Business Credit Risk Score

Focuses on business risk assessment

6. Pay Invoices Early

Impact of Early Payments

Early payment of invoices can significantly boost your business credit score by positively impacting your PAYDEX score, Equifax Credit Risk Score, and reflecting a positive payment history.

  • Leads to higher PAYDEX score: Early payments are a strong positive indicator.

  • Improves Equifax Credit Risk Score: Reduces perceived risk.

  • Positive payment history is crucial: Essential for a strong credit profile.

Best Practices for Early Payments

Adopting habits that ensure early payment can help maintain a strong credit score.

  • Automate payments: Set up automatic payments to avoid delays.

  • Negotiate terms: Work with vendors to establish favorable payment terms.

  • Monitor cash flow: Ensure you have the funds available to pay early.

7. Keep Outstanding Balances Low

Importance of Low Balances

Maintaining low outstanding balances is crucial for a high credit score, reducing the risk perception by lenders and improving your credit utilization rate.

  • Reduces risk perception by lenders: Low balances indicate financial health.

  • Improves credit utilization rate: Essential for a high credit score.

  • Enhances overall credit health: Demonstrates responsible credit management.

Strategies for Managing Balances

Implementing effective strategies to keep your balances low can help maintain a healthy credit profile.

  • Regularly pay down balances: Keep balances as low as possible.

  • Avoid maxing out credit lines: Stay well below your credit limits.

  • Use multiple credit lines: Spread expenses across multiple accounts to manage utilization.

8. Add Utility and Telco Payments

Benefits of Adding Utility Payments

Adding utility and telecom payment data can enhance your business credit score by providing additional positive payment history and improving your FICO SBSS score.

  • Provides additional positive payment history: More data points for a positive score.

  • Enhances FICO SBSS score: Contributes to a higher overall score.

  • Reflects responsible payment behavior: Shows consistent payment habits.

How to Add Utility Payments

Incorporating these payments into your credit profile can be done by selecting services that report to credit agencies.

  • Choose utility providers that report: Not all providers report, so choose wisely.

  • Ensure timely payments: Consistent on-time payments boost your score.

  • Monitor your credit report: Verify that these payments are being reported accurately.

9. Update CRA Records Regularly

Importance of Regular Updates

Ensuring all credit reporting agencies have up-to-date information about your business is crucial for reflecting accurate business status and preventing misinformation.

  • Reflects accurate business status: Keeps your profile current.

  • Prevents misinformation: Avoids potential discrepancies.

  • Important for maintaining credit accuracy: Ensures lenders see the correct information.

Best Practices for Updating Records

Regularly updating your records can help maintain a strong and accurate credit profile.

  • Review credit reports quarterly: Identify and correct errors promptly.

  • Update business information: Ensure all changes are reported.

  • Work with a credit advisor: Professional help can ensure accuracy and completeness.

10. Avoid Bankruptcies and Liens (continued)

Strategies to Avoid Financial Pitfalls

Taking proactive steps to manage your finances can help avoid bankruptcies and liens, thereby protecting your credit score.

  • Maintain a cash reserve: Having emergency funds can prevent financial crises.

  • Negotiate with creditors: Work out payment plans before issues escalate.

  • Consult financial advisors: Professional advice can help manage debts effectively.

11. Avoid UCC Filings and Blanket Liens

Understanding UCC Filings and Blanket Liens

Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filings and blanket liens on your assets can be detrimental to your business credit, as they signal financial instability to lenders.

  • Protects business assets from creditors: Ensures operational freedom.

  • Avoids public record of financial stress: Maintains a clean credit profile.

  • Maintains business operational freedom: Avoids restrictions on your business activities.

Best Practices to Prevent UCC Filings

Avoiding these filings involves careful financial management and strategic planning.

  • Secure specific collateral loans: Instead of blanket liens, negotiate specific collateral.

  • Pay off debts promptly: Ensure no grounds for creditors to file a UCC lien.

  • Regularly review UCC filings: Check public records for any unauthorized filings.

12. Prevent Lawsuits

Impact of Lawsuits on Credit

Lawsuits can negatively impact your business credit by creating financial strain and potential judgments against your business.

  • Prevents negative legal impacts: Keeps your credit profile clean.

  • Enhances business reputation: Avoids the stigma of legal issues.

  • Reduces risk of financial liabilities: Protects your assets and financial health.

Strategies to Prevent Legal Issues

Implementing preventive measures can help avoid lawsuits and their negative impact on credit.

  • Ensure contract clarity: Have clear, legally reviewed contracts with all parties.

  • Maintain workplace safety: Prevent accidents and potential lawsuits.

  • Address disputes early: Resolve issues before they escalate to legal action.

13. Keep Accounts Out of Collections

Importance of Avoiding Collections

Ensuring accounts do not go into collections is crucial for maintaining a healthy business credit score, as collections can cause significant drops in your score.

  • Prevents significant credit score drops: Collections can be highly damaging.

  • Maintains positive payment history: Essential for a strong credit profile.

  • Ensures good standing with creditors: Keeps relationships positive.

Tips to Avoid Collections

Adopting proactive measures can help keep your accounts current and out of collections.

  • Set up payment reminders: Use tools to remind you of due dates.

  • Negotiate payment terms: Work with creditors if you’re facing cash flow issues.

  • Monitor accounts regularly: Ensure all payments are processed on time.

14. Monitor and Dispute Credit Report Errors

Benefits of Regular Monitoring

Regularly monitoring your business credit and disputing any errors ensures the accuracy of your credit information, which is vital for maintaining a healthy credit score.

  • Ensures accuracy of credit information: Prevents negative impacts from mistakes.

  • Prevents negative impact from mistakes: Errors can significantly lower your score.

  • Keeps credit score healthy and accurate: Accurate data is crucial for lenders.

How to Monitor and Dispute Errors

Regularly reviewing your credit reports and taking action on discrepancies is essential.

  • Check reports quarterly: Review reports from all major agencies.

  • Dispute inaccuracies promptly: Contact the credit bureau to correct errors.

  • Keep records: Document all disputes and follow-ups.

15. Utilize Credit Building Services

Advantages of Credit Building Services

Utilizing services designed to help build your business credit can accelerate the process and provide expert guidance, ensuring a strong and healthy credit profile.

  • Access to expert advice: Professional guidance on building credit.

  • Accelerates credit building: Faster results through structured programs.

  • Provides valuable tools and resources: Access to tools that simplify the process.

Choosing the Right Service

Selecting a reputable credit-building service can make a significant difference in your credit journey.

  • Research options: Compare different services and their offerings.

  • Check reviews and testimonials: Ensure they have a positive track record.

  • Assess costs and benefits: Choose a service that offers good value for money.

16. Engage in Trade Credit

Building Credit Through Trade Relationships

Engaging in trade credit with suppliers and vendors is a practical way to build your business credit, as these relationships often report positive payment histories to credit bureaus.

  • Strengthens credit profile: Trade credit shows financial responsibility.

  • Builds business relationships: Positive trade relationships can offer better terms.

  • Improves cash flow: Helps manage cash flow through deferred payments.

Establishing Trade Credit

To effectively utilize trade credit, you need to establish and maintain good relationships with your suppliers.

  • Start small: Begin with smaller credit lines and build trust.

  • Pay promptly: Ensure timely payments to build a positive history.

  • Request reporting: Ask suppliers to report your payment history to credit bureaus.

17. Use Credit Monitoring Tools

Importance of Credit Monitoring Tools

Credit monitoring tools provide ongoing insights into your business credit, alerting you to changes and helping you maintain a healthy credit score.

  • Alerts to changes: Immediate notifications of any changes in your credit profile.

  • Protects against fraud: Early detection of unauthorized activities.

  • Helps maintain accuracy: Ensures all information is current and correct.

Selecting the Right Monitoring Tool

Choosing the right tool can provide comprehensive monitoring and alerts.

  • Compare features: Look for tools that offer comprehensive monitoring and alerts.

  • Evaluate costs: Ensure the service fits within your budget.

  • Read reviews: Choose tools with positive feedback from other users.

Table: Comparison of Credit Monitoring Tools

Tool Name

Key Features


User Rating


Alerts on changes in D&B reports



Experian Business

Real-time monitoring, credit reports




Monitoring and credit building tools




1. How long does it take to improve a business credit score?

Improving a business credit score can take anywhere from a few months to a year, depending on the current state of your credit and the actions you take to improve it.

2. Can personal credit affect my business credit score?

Yes, especially for small businesses and startups. Many lenders look at both personal and business credit scores when making lending decisions.

3. What is a good business credit score?

A good business credit score varies by scoring system, but typically a PAYDEX score of 80 or above, an Experian Intelliscore of 76 or above, and an Equifax Business Credit Risk Score of 700 or above are considered good.

4. How can I check my business credit score?

You can check your business credit score through credit bureaus like Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, and Equifax, often for a fee or through a monitoring service.

5. What happens if I miss a payment?

Missing a payment can negatively impact your business credit score, lead to higher interest rates, and potentially make it harder to secure financing in the future.

Tying It All Together

Building and maintaining a high business credit score is an ongoing process that requires diligence and strategic planning.

By following these 17 hacks, you can significantly enhance your business credit profile, opening doors to better financing options, improved terms, and greater financial stability for your business.

From obtaining a D-U-N-S number to engaging in trade credit and utilizing credit monitoring tools, each step plays a crucial role in strengthening your business's financial foundation.

Stay proactive, monitor your credit regularly, and make informed financial decisions to ensure your business thrives.


  1. Spartan Coaching & Consulting: Business Credit Builder & Finance Suite
  2. Dun & Bradstreet: D-U-N-S Number
  3. Experian:Experian Business Credit Reporting


Mark R. Moore

Don't take our word for it, check out these helpful articles on Business Credit based on the EIN number:

  1. Entrepreneur.com: The ABCs of Business Credit
  2. 7 Best Ways to Build Credit if You’re New to the U.S.: Three Best Ways to Build Business Credit
  3. Nav.com 5 Things a DUNS Number Helps You Do
  4. SBA: How to Build Business Credit Quickly: 5 Simple Steps
  5. Forbes.com: Changing Your Business Name? Don't Put Your Credit At Risk
  6. Forbes.com: Three Ways To Better Understand (And Build) Your Business Credit Score
  7. CBS Boston: What We Talk About When We Talk About Business Credit
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