Rebuild Blue Collar Wealth In America: Create an LLC and Business Credit

By: Spartan
February 9, 2023

Rebuild Blue Collar Wealth By Creating A Limited Liability Company (LLC) And Establishing Business Credit.

As a blue-collar worker, did you know that you have the power to build wealth while protecting yourself from personal liability? 

Stop the grind… Finally, let’s rebuild blue collar wealth in America. The surprising reason why most blue-collar workers haven't tapped into the benefits of LLCs:  A Lack of Awareness

Did you know that by setting up a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in your name, (i.e Joe Smith) you can open a business account and establish business credit that is separate from your personal credit report and social security number. This gives you access to significantly more funding and credit opportunities compared to traditional consumer credit. 

In fact, (according to the SBA and NAV) you can potentially get 10 to 100 times more credit and funding. And the best part? This can all be achieved within 4 to 6 months with relative ease. Don't miss this opportunity to secure your financial future and protect yourself from personal liability. Want to learn exactly how you can get up to $150,000 in 4 to 6 months? Learn how

Elevate your business to new heights with our cutting-edge business credit builder and finance suite, offering unmatched flexibility and access to a wide range of funding options. Find out how...

Steps to Rebuilding Blue Collar Worker Success In the US

  1. Create your LLC today

  2. Next, Open your business bank account

  3. Create a Business Website

  4. Then, Establish business credit profile & score

  5. Apply for business credit accounts and use them

  6. And, Finally secure $50,000 to $150,000 in 4 to 6 months (Watch Testimonials)

For many blue collar workers, the path to financial prosperity has been complicated by a lack of access to traditional credit. With limited resources, access to capital can be difficult. Fortunately, there are steps that business owners can take to rebuild blue collar wealth by creating a Limited Liability Company (LLC) and establishing business credit. With the right strategies, blue collar workers can strengthen their financial position, establish their business credit, and pursue an LLC to create a more secure financial future.

Rebuild Blue-Collar Wealth Now: A Compelling Case for Urgent Action

Alarming Blue-Collar Wealth Shortage in America Puts Our Way of Life at Risk: A Crisis Unfolding

The American economy is suffering from a severe shortage of blue-collar workers, resulting in bare store shelves, sky-high prices for essential goods and services, delayed packages, and a lack of skilled labor. This crisis is at the heart of our current supply chain issues and the fear of hyperinflation. 

The transportation industry alone is facing a shortage of 33,000 truckers, and across the country, there's a 55% deficit of plumbers available for work. Electricians and construction workers are also in critically short supply, with 77% of manufacturers reporting difficulties in finding and attracting skilled laborers. 

This dire situation is being referred to as the "next supply chain disruption" and is having a devastating impact on nearly every industry.

Setting Goals: Securing $50,000 to $150,000 in Business Credit Within 4 to 6 Months

Creating a secure financial future requires a careful evaluation of your current financial situation. Blue collar workers should take the time to review their credit reports, understand their credit scores, and pay down any outstanding debts. Doing so will help to improve their financial standing, making it easier to access capital and build business credit. Additionally, workers should evaluate their current financial resources and identify any potential sources of additional capital.  

Pursue a Limited Liability Company

For blue collar workers looking to establish and protect their financial future, a Limited Liability Company (LLC) may be the ideal option. LLCs offer numerous benefits that traditional business models cannot match, including limited liability, tax savings, and increased asset protection. Additionally, LLCs can help to simplify the process of securing financing and building credit.

Open a Business Bank Account (Free)

Steps to opening a business bank account with Novo bank:

 1.       Gather necessary documentation: Before you can open a business bank account with Novo, you'll need to gather all of the necessary documentation, including your business tax ID number, articles of incorporation, and proof of ownership. You may also need to provide personal identification for each signatory on the account.

 2.       Choose your account type: Novo offers a variety of business bank account options, including checking and savings accounts, so it's important to choose the account type that best meets your business needs. 

3.       Apply online: Novo allows you to easily apply for a business bank account online. Simply complete the online application form, including your business information and the details of the account you wish to open.

 4.       Verify your identity: Novo may ask you to provide additional information to verify your identity, such as a government-issued ID or proof of address. This can typically be done by uploading electronic copies of the required documents

5.       Fund your account: Once your business bank account is approved, you'll need to fund it before you can start using it. You can do this by transferring funds from another bank account or by making a deposit at a Novo branch.

 6.       Activate your account: Once your account is funded, you can activate it and start using it for your business needs. You'll receive login information for Novo's online banking platform, which you can use to manage your account, view transactions, and make payments.

It's important to note that Novo may have additional requirements or restrictions for opening a business bank account, so be sure to carefully review their terms and conditions before applying. Open your business account: (Click Here)

Establish Business Credit For Your LLC

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you create a business credit report and start getting business credit fast, schedule a free no obligation zoom or phone consultation. Click Here.

1.       Establishing Your Business Credit Profile

One of the most important steps in setting up your business is establishing a strong credit profile with Dun & Bradstreet. This will be your financial reputation and will be used by lenders, suppliers, and investors to assess your credibility and financial stability. A strong credit profile will also give you access to better loan terms, credit lines, and interest rates.

2.       Establish a business entity (LLC, S-Corp, etc.)

Forming a business entity, such as an LLC or S-Corp, is an important step in separating your personal finances from your business finances. This will give you the legal protection you need in case of any liability issues, and it will make it easier for you to raise capital, obtain loans, and enter into contracts. Plus, having a separate business entity can also make it easier for you to keep track of your business expenses and take advantage of tax benefits.

3.       Obtain a FREE federal tax ID number (EIN) to separate personal and business finances

It's important to obtain a federal tax ID number, also known as an Employer Identification Number (EIN), to separate your personal and business finances. This will allow you to file taxes under your business name and ensure that your personal assets are protected in case of any liability issues. Obtaining an EIN is a straightforward process and can be done for free through the IRS website. 

4.       Register your business with credit bureaus for FREE at Dun & Bradstreet 

Registering your business with credit bureaus, such as Dun & Bradstreet, is a crucial step in building your business credit profile. This will allow lenders and suppliers to access information about your business and assess your creditworthiness. Plus, registering with Dun & Bradstreet is free, and it will give you access to tools and resources that can help you build and maintain a strong credit profile. 

5.       Apply for a Free Duns Number with Dun & Bradstreet (may take a week to receive your number by email) 

Applying for a Duns Number with Dun & Bradstreet is a simple and straightforward process, and it's a key step in building your business credit profile. Your Duns Number will be your unique identifier and will be used by lenders and suppliers to access information about your business. While it may take up to a week to receive your number by email, it's well worth the wait, as it will give you the tools and resources you need to establish a strong credit profile.

6.       Open a business bank account

Finally, it's important to open a separate business bank account to keep your personal and business finances separate. This will make it easier for you to track your business expenses and income, and it will give you a clear picture of your financial situation. Plus, having a separate business bank account will also make it easier for you to apply for loans and lines of credit, as lenders will require proof of a separate business account. 

7.       Create a business website

Having a professional business website is important in today's digital age. It gives your business credibility and helps you reach a wider audience. Your website should include information about your business, products or services, and contact information. A well-designed website can help you attract new customers and provide a platform for you to showcase your brand. Additionally, having a website makes it easier for customers to find you, and it provides an opportunity for you to engage with them and receive feedback.

Rebuild Blue Collar Wealth: The Benefits of an LLC

The benefits of an LLC are numerous. LLCs offer workers limited liability, asset protection, and tax savings. Additionally, LLCs can help to simplify the process of applying for business credit and establishing a stronger financial position. With the right strategies and a strong LLC, blue collar workers can rebuild their financial wealth. 


Blue collar workers have the potential to create a secure financial future and rebuild wealth. By establishing a strong LLC and establishing business credit, workers can protect their assets, access capital, and create a more secure financial future. With the right strategies and a strong LLC, you can take the first steps towards a better financial future.

Blue collar workers should ensure that their LLC is registered with the appropriate authorities, that all taxes and fees are paid in a timely manner, and that a clear strategy is developed for managing the organization’s finances. Additionally, you should apply for business credit cards, loans, and other financing options to build a strong credit rating. With the right strategies, blue collar workers can establish LLC credit and rebuild their financial wealth.


Don't take our word for it, check out these helpful articles on Business Credit based on the EIN number:

  1. The ABCs of Business Credit
  2. 7 Best Ways to Build Credit if You’re New to the U.S.: Three Best Ways to Build Business Credit
  3. 5 Things a DUNS Number Helps You Do
  4. SBA: How to Build Business Credit Quickly: 5 Simple Steps
  5. Changing Your Business Name? Don't Put Your Credit At Risk
  6. Three Ways To Better Understand (And Build) Your Business Credit Score
  7. CBS Boston: What We Talk About When We Talk About Business Credit
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