SBA 7(a) Refinance Program

Improve your business cash flow by refinancing your SBA 7(a) to another SBA (7a) with Spartan Coaching & Consulting.

How it Works

If you have an SBA loan priced at Prime + 2.5% or higher, then Spartan can help you refinance into another SBA loan at a lower rate. Your business will not only have lower monthly payments but also get an opportunity to receive a cash infusion to help with expansion and growth.

How It Works

  • Current Interest Rate: Current interest rate must be Prime + 2.5% or higher.
  • New Interest Rate: New interest rate will be Prime + 1% fixed or Prime + 1.25% variable, adjusting quarterly.
  • Loan Term: The loan term can be reset back to the initial loan term of 10 years or 25 years
  • Loan Details: Loans are fully underwritten and require global and business 1.15x DSCR with 3 years financials
  • Spartan’s SBA 7(a) Refinance Benefits

    Obtain Working Capital

    Receive the working capital your business needs to grow and expand.

    Reduce Monthly Payments

    Lower monthly payments to improve cash flow.

    Ways to Use the Loan

    Use your loan to receive working capital, refinance high interest or short term debt, purchase equipment, buy inventory, and renovations.

    Have 5 Minutes? Apply Online

    Check to see if you pre-qualify without impacting your credit score.
