SBA Re-Imagined – – Now Uncomplicated and Fast

By: Spartan
July 7, 2023

Securing financing can be a challenging endeavor for small business owners. Fortunately, there is good news: the recent implementation of new SBA lending criteria on May 11, 2023, aims to alleviate this burden.

These changes bring forth a promise of simplified evaluation of creditworthiness and a harmonization between SBA and non-government guaranteed loans. In this article, we will delve into the specifics of these modifications and explain how they will facilitate small businesses, such as yours, in obtaining capital more easily.

Streamlining Small Dollar Loan Offerings

The simplification of small dollar loan offerings is a goal of the new SBA lending criteria. This will make it more convenient for lenders to assist small businesses by providing smaller loans.

The elimination of the need for hazard insurance for loans below $500,000 and the flexibility to use loan proceeds for partial changes in ownership demonstrate the SBA's dedication to reducing regulatory obstacles and encouraging lenders to offer smaller dollar loans. This change aims to bring transparency and ease to the loan application process while ensuring that small businesses can obtain the necessary capital.

Allowance of Loan Proceeds for Partial Ownership Changes

Small business owners can now access financing for partial ownership changes under the new SBA lending criteria, providing increased flexibility in using loan proceeds to fund strategic growth opportunities. In the past, buying a business using SBA financing would require a complete change of ownership, but with new SBA conditions, partial change of ownership is now allowed. This is a welcome change, as investors can now partially buy into a business, making entrepreneurship more accessible. 

Removal of Hazard Insurance Requirements for Small Loans

Part of the SBA rule changes is reducing hazard insurance requirements for loans under $500,000. Additionally, faster loan processing times and less paperwork is required, making it easier for small businesses to access the funds they need quickly.

Here is a summary of the changes:

  • Small businesses no longer need to purchase hazard insurance policies
  • Reduction of financial burden on small businesses
  • Faster loan processing times and less paperwork required

Changes in Affiliation Rules

The new SBA program lending criteria include changes in affiliation rules, which will provide more clarity and simplicity in the application process. In addition, the change focuses on whether an applicant has a majority ownership in another entity, simplifying things for franchise lending. This final rule is expected to make it easier for small businesses to access the capital they need to grow and thrive.

Expanded Definition of Affiliates 

Under the new SBA lending criteria, there has been an expansion in the definition of affiliates. Implementing this change means that more entities will now be considered affiliates and subject to affiliation rules regarding loan eligibility. As a result, the SBA is closing loopholes that allowed some small businesses to avoid affiliation with larger organizations, resulting in them receiving disproportionate loans.

Fewer Exceptions to Affiliation Rules

The final rule also reduces exceptions to the affiliation rules. Previously, exceptions were applied based on industry type or other factors; however, fewer exemptions are provided under the new criteria. These changes may result in entities deemed ineligible for financing terms they might have previously received.

Impact on Loan Eligibility

The changes in affiliation rules are expected to impact loan eligibility for many small businesses seeking SBA loans. However, these changes aim to guarantee fairness and consistency across all industries and reduce opportunities for large corporations to disguise themselves as smaller ones while retaining ownership over multiple small companies. Therefore, small business owners should review their affiliations carefully before applying for an SBA loan under these new guidelines.

What are the Benefits of Using an SBA Loan?

Small business owners can benefit significantly from using an SBA loan. Firstly, SBA loans typically offer lower interest rates and more flexible repayment terms than traditional bank loans. It makes it easier for small businesses to access the funds they need to grow and expand without incurring the high-interest rates and inflexible repayment terms that can often come with traditional loans.

Another benefit of SBA loans is that they can be used for various business purposes, including purchasing inventory, buying equipment, and even acquiring other businesses. This makes them a versatile funding option for small businesses, allowing them to use the funds they receive in a way that best suits their needs and goals.

In addition, SBA loans are often easier to obtain than traditional bank loans, as the SBA offers a variety of programs designed specifically to help small businesses access the capital they need to succeed. The SBA also works with a network of lenders who are experienced in working with small businesses, making it easier for entrepreneurs to find a lender that is the right fit for their needs.

Finally, SBA loans can help small businesses build credit and establish a financial track record. By making timely payments on their SBA loans, small businesses can demonstrate their creditworthiness and build a solid financial foundation that will help them secure future financing as their business grows and evolves.

Overall, the benefits of using an SBA loan are clear, from lower interest rates and flexible repayment terms to a wide variety of eligible uses and easier access to funding.

Final Thoughts

The new SBA lending criteria are a welcome change for small business owners who have struggled to secure financing. With more flexibility and streamlined processes, it’s now easier than ever before to access funding that can help grow your business. So whether you’re looking to expand your operations or need working capital, don’t hesitate to explore the options available through the SBA.

Remember, having a solid financial plan, and clear goals will increase your chances of success when applying for loans. And with the new lending criteria, you can achieve your dreams as a small business owner. So take action today and start exploring all the opportunities available to you.


Don't take our word for it, check out these helpful articles on Business Credit based on the EIN number:

  1. The ABCs of Business Credit
  2. 7 Best Ways to Build Credit if You’re New to the U.S.: Three Best Ways to Build Business Credit
  3. 5 Things a DUNS Number Helps You Do
  4. SBA: How to Build Business Credit Quickly: 5 Simple Steps
  5. Changing Your Business Name? Don't Put Your Credit At Risk
  6. Three Ways To Better Understand (And Build) Your Business Credit Score
  7. CBS Boston: What We Talk About When We Talk About Business Credit
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