The Game Changing Nature of Business Credit and Influence of a Publicist on Your Fan Base

By: Spartan
June 26, 2023

How Business Credit and a Publicist Can Catapult Your Entertainment Career and Fan Base to New Heights

In the world of entertainment, talent alone is often not enough to achieve the recognition and success one deserves. Meet Sarah, a gifted local singer who struggled to gather a loyal following despite her undeniable talent.

Her journey took a remarkable turn when she discovered the power of leveraging business credit to transform her career. By accessing a substantial amount of funding, Sarah was able to hire a skilled publicist who increased her local fan base dramatically from just a few fans showing up for performances to over 100.

In this post, we'll explore how business credit and strategic publicity can be the game-changer every aspiring entertainer needs.

Sarah's Struggle and the Turning Point:

Sarah poured her heart and soul into her music, investing in various aspects of her career, from studio rentals and EP recordings to covering her monthly expenses.

However, her efforts were met with disappointment as only a handful of fans showed up to her gigs. She knew she needed a breakthrough to capture the attention of a larger audience and gain the recognition she deserved.

Discovering the Game-Changing Opportunity:

One fortunate day, Sarah stumbled upon an opportunity that would change her career trajectory. A friend of her family introduced her to the business credit builder which piqued her curiosity. 

Eager to explore new possibilities, Sarah decided to give it a shot. And, within just a few weeks, she secured an impressive $78,000 in business credit, providing her with the financial boost she needed to take her career to the next level.

Specifically, they sent her the following 7 minute video:

The Astonishing Results:

With the newfound funds at her disposal, Sarah made a bold move and hired a skilled publicist to promote her performances for a few months.

The impact was nothing short of astonishing.

Sarah's local following grew exponentially, with 60 to 100 passionate fans now attending her performances. The strategic combination of funding and professional marketing support propelled her career to new heights, and Sarah couldn't be happier with the progress.

It's worth paying a publicist to promote your upcoming gigs: 

It will boost exposure and generate excitement. A good publicist will craft media releases, secure interviews, and attract attention to maximize audience turnout. It's an excellent way to grow your fan base.

Here are some ways a publicist can help a singer gain new fans:

  • Media Outreach: Publicists have established relationships with journalists, bloggers, and media outlets. They can pitch stories, interviews, and performances to these media contacts, increasing the singer's exposure and reaching new audiences through various channels such as newspapers, magazines, online publications, radio, and television.
  • Social Media Management: Publicists can assist with managing the singer's social media presence, helping to create engaging content, interact with fans, and promote upcoming releases, performances, or events. They can also provide guidance on effective strategies for building a strong online presence and expanding the singer's fan base.
  • Event Planning and Promotion: Publicists can help plan and promote live performances, concerts, or tours. They can coordinate with venues, promoters, and event organizers to ensure maximum visibility for the singer. Publicists may also organize fan meet-ups, exclusive events, or promotional activities to create buzz and attract new fans.
  • Branding and Image Development: Publicists can work closely with the singer to develop their brand identity and image. They can provide guidance on styling, visual aesthetics, and overall presentation to create a cohesive and appealing image that resonates with the target audience. A well-crafted image can help attract new fans who connect with the singer's persona.
  • Collaborations and Partnerships: Publicists can facilitate collaborations with other artists, influencers, or brands that align with the singer's style and target audience. Such collaborations can help introduce the singer to new fan bases and expand their reach.
  • Publicity Stunts and Campaigns: Publicists can create innovative and attention-grabbing publicity campaigns or stunts to generate buzz and media coverage. These campaigns can help create excitement, attract new fans, and create a viral effect through social media and other platforms.

Unlocking Your Potential:

As an entertainer, just imagine the possibilities of self-funding yourself with $50,000 to $150,000 within weeks. 

Now picture using that capital to hire a publicist for three months and watch your local following increase ten-fold. 

With such support, you could guarantee every venue you perform at a minimum of 60 to 100 patrons, not just once but consistently. The potential for increased exposure and notoriety is immense.

The Business Credit Builder:

A Game-Changing Online Platform:  Video Testimonials

So, what exactly is the Business Credit Builder, and how does it work? This comprehensive online platform serves as a guide to help you build your business credit step by step. 

It provides real-time insights on pre-qualified credit sources and offers personalized support from business credit advisers, ensuring you secure substantial funding quickly. 

Furthermore, a dedicated team of business credit advisers and finance officers are at your service, providing top-notch concierge assistance whenever you need it.

Take A Short Video Tour (7 min. video)

Success Stories and Practical Considerations:

The success stories of many clients who have utilized the Business Credit Builder speak for themselves. Individuals have secured impressive funding ranging from $20,000 to $250,000 in as little as three weeks to three months. 

It's important to consider that you are likely already spending more than $2,500 on various aspects of your career, such as musical equipment, studio rentals, recording and production costs, marketing and promotion, transportation, performance fees, accommodations, and more. 

By temporarily redirecting a fraction of these expenses towards accessing business credit and hiring a publicist, you can make a significant impact on your career trajectory.


For ambitious entertainers like Sarah, the game-changing potential of the business credit builder just makes sense. Don't wait any longer—unlock the power of business credit and embark on a path to success today!


Don't take our word for it, check out these helpful articles on Business Credit based on the EIN number:

  1. The ABCs of Business Credit
  2. 7 Best Ways to Build Credit if You’re New to the U.S.: Three Best Ways to Build Business Credit
  3. 5 Things a DUNS Number Helps You Do
  4. SBA: How to Build Business Credit Quickly: 5 Simple Steps
  5. Changing Your Business Name? Don't Put Your Credit At Risk
  6. Three Ways To Better Understand (And Build) Your Business Credit Score
  7. CBS Boston: What We Talk About When We Talk About Business Credit
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