Unlocking Your Potential: Overcoming the Fear of Success

By: Spartan
November 11, 2023

“While you're waiting on opportunity, it might be waiting on you to come to it. Get up and go get it!”
― Yvonne Pierre, The Day My Soul Cried: A Memoir

Sometimes, it feels like success eludes us no matter what we do. We think that if we just got to that next level, things would all work out. But even though we’re doing everything right, something just doesn’t click.

When that happens, it may be that we unconsciously have a fear of our own success. But why would we be afraid when we’re working so hard to be successful? Learn what the fear of success is, what causes it, and how to identify and overcome it.

What is the fear of success?

Fear of success is the concern that once we achieve something new, we’ll be incapable of sustaining it or may suffer because of it. 

Most of the time, we’re not consciously aware of this fear. That’s because when we focus on a goal, we talk up the positive outcomes of achieving the goal. Rarely do we share with others what might happen when we get to that next level.

Fear of success is not necessarily the fear of reaching that deeply personal achievement unique to each individual. Instead, it is most often the fear of the possible change or consequences of success. 

It is an anticipation of how others — and oneself — will respond to the triumph. The concern is that achieving success will come at the cost of something else valued in one's life. In many ways, it's similar to the fear of failure.

Sometimes the fear of success can be apparent to a person. Other times it can lie just below the surface, noted in patterns of thought and/or actions repeated by the individual. It takes a high level of self-awareness to identify your own fear of success.

Understanding the Fear of Success

Success can be a double-edged sword. While it brings with it recognition, financial security, and a sense of accomplishment, it can also be accompanied by overwhelming pressure, self-doubt, and fear. The fear of success is rooted in various underlying causes, including:

1. Fear of Expectations: The fear of success often stems from the pressure of meeting high expectations, both from oneself and others. This fear can make individuals hesitant to embrace their full potential.

2. Fear of Change: Success often entails change and stepping out of one's comfort zone. Many individuals are apprehensive about the unknown and the potential disruption that success can bring.

3. Imposter Syndrome: Imposter syndrome is a common issue among high-achievers. It makes individuals feel like they don't deserve their success, fearing they will be exposed as frauds.

4. Fear of Losing Control: Success can lead to increased responsibility and, in some cases, a fear of losing control over one's life and time.

Overcoming the Fear of Success:

Now that we've explored the roots of this fear, let's dive into strategies to conquer it:

1. Self-awareness: Self-awareness is the first step towards conquering the fear of success. Understanding the causes and triggers of this fear can help you address it effectively.

2. Embrace Failure: Failure is an inherent part of the journey to success. Viewing it as a stepping stone, rather than a setback, can help alleviate the fear.

3. Set Realistic Goals: Setting achievable, well-defined goals can mitigate the fear of unrealistic expectations and the pressure to maintain success.

4. Seek Support: Don't be afraid to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist. They can provide valuable guidance and encouragement.

5. Visualization: Visualizing success and feeling comfortable with the idea can help reduce the fear and make success seem more attainable.

Lack of motivation: Sometimes, people who are afraid of success seem lazy, lacking motivation, and having low expectations. Their fear prevents them from ever making progress towards their goals. 

Consider the following examples of how fear of success manifests:

  • The writer who can’t stop editing their book, worries about the response of critics, and how they will follow up this book with the next
  • The woman whose childhood wins served to highlight her brother’s losses
  • The investor who lost large sums of money in a restaurant investment and plays it small, not wanting to “lose it all” again
  • The entrepreneur who is afraid of growing their business because they doubt whether they can support the growing team year after year
  • The musician who loves the flow of creating music in private but fears performing the piece in public if he were to receive recognition

What are the consequences? 

Fear of success can hold a person back from achieving their potential — and the accompanying sense of fulfillment in doing so. It can make a person feel stuck and wonder why they feel that way when others around them appear to be flourishing. 

They may consider what has held them back. Perhaps they take the first step, and then give up when they consider the long road ahead of them. 

This negatively impacts overall life satisfaction, which affects both personal and professional life. The limiting thoughts result in behaviors that undermine authenticity and satisfaction.


The fear of success is a complex emotion that can hinder your personal and professional growth. By understanding its origins and implementing strategies to overcome it, you can unlock your true potential. Embrace success with open arms, knowing that it is the result of your hard work and dedication.


Don't take our word for it, check out these helpful articles on Business Credit based on the EIN number:

  1. Entrepreneur.com: The ABCs of Business Credit
  2. 7 Best Ways to Build Credit if You’re New to the U.S.: Three Best Ways to Build Business Credit
  3. Nav.com 5 Things a DUNS Number Helps You Do
  4. SBA: How to Build Business Credit Quickly: 5 Simple Steps
  5. Forbes.com: Changing Your Business Name? Don't Put Your Credit At Risk
  6. Forbes.com: Three Ways To Better Understand (And Build) Your Business Credit Score
  7. CBS Boston: What We Talk About When We Talk About Business Credit
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